We have the local expertise and global standards to offer our clients services and solutions that improve workplace productivity and supports their success.


Tsebo has extensive experience in supporting our clients across a diverse range of industry sectors across Africa Middle East.



Remote Site Solutions

A comfort zone away from home—We offer comprehensive Remote Site Solutions designed to support clients operating in remote or challenging environments. These services are essential for industries such as mining, oil and gas, construction, and large-scale infrastructure projects, where access to traditional facilities and services is limited. Tsebo provides a wide range of solutions, including catering, accommodation, maintenance, and logistics, ensuring that all residents have access to the same level of comfort and amenities as they would in more urban settings.

ATS is Tsebo’s specialist Remote Site business, focusing on turning remote locations with limited resources into sustainable collaboration and development hubs across 25 African countries. Meanwhile, TSS performs a similar function in South Africa, supported by our contract catering pioneer, Fedics, where appropriate.

A key aspect of Tsebo’s Remote Site Management is our focus on sustainability and community engagement. We prioritise sourcing local materials and employing labour from host communities, supporting the regional economy and ensuring a more sustainable operation.

Our remote management services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, with an emphasis on health and safety standards, quality control, and efficiency. Tsebo enables companies to maintain productivity and morale in remote locations by delivering reliable and high-quality remote site services, ultimately contributing to our clients’ successful operations.

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South Africa: